Fort Worth Paralegal Association


The purpose of the FWPA is to promote the professional objectives and goals of paralegals, to encourage, promote and conduct programs of continuing education and professional development and to promote the advancement of high standards of integrity and professionalism for paralegals to the end that both the public and the legal profession are better served.

Questions about the FWPA may be directed to the President or Contact Us.

President's Message


  "The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written." - Melody Beattie

     "The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all." - Josiyah Martin 

       I want everyone to think about those two quotes and what they mean and how to incorporate them this year, personally and professionally. So--Happy New Year and new beginnings!

      I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication this past year. I especially want to thank Joy Trammel who took on two years as President and kept FWPA together during trying times with dedication and professionalism. She began updating FWPA’s Policies and Procedures and By-Laws and the new ones will be sent shortly. Thank you, Joy, for your friendship and guidance over the last two years.

      I am looking forward to FWPA achieving great things in 2025. I tried to get as many new members on the Board as I could, as I believe different perspectives drive innovation. An organization will stagnate if the same people and same ideas are in place each year.  New ideas and perspectives are the heartbeat of any organization.  Of course, we also need the seasoned member’s guidance, but I believe it should be a balance, which is what I hope to achieve. Information is oxygen for our organization. Different voices will bring different ideas and perspectives. "For last year's words belong to last year's language, next year's words await another voice." - T.S. Eliot.

      All new Presidents want change, but it is my hope to incorporate the new with the seasoned and continu

e FWPA’s growth in the community and in our profession. I look forward to seeing the new Board on January 11, 2025, at 9 am at the Dixie House—bring your ideas. Whenever I speak to students and paralegals, I always say “no question is too dumb.”  Well, no idea is too far-fetched, silly, or dumb. Just by bringing up an idea and talking about it brings about different perspectives and other ideas can formulate.  “It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new life…and I'm feeling good."  Did you just sing that!?  So I’m feeling very good about this Board and can’t wait to visit with everyone.

      I know I have a few quotes and quips in this message, but I want to leave you with one last one—I have pretty much lived by these words most of my life. “Take a good look around and if you’re looking down, put a little love in your heart. I hope when you decide, kindness will be your guide, put a little love in your heart.”  That is a verse from a song by Jackie Del Shannon from 1969. If anyone is interested in listening to the words to this song, you can find it here—I think it’s worth a listen:

      See you all soon.

--Michele Rayburn, CP, TBLS

FWPA President

FWPA 2024 Holiday Luncheon

Upcoming CLE Events Links

*TO ATTEND: make a RSVP online through the website - BELOW


QR Code Check-In!

Look for your confirmation e-mail to have a QR Code to check-in at the next GMM - just have it on your phone or a print out to scan at the door!

Featured Patron

Upcoming GMM

FWPA January GMM



Speaker:  Tom Carse, Esq.

Topic:  Barratry, the Ugly Truth

Presentation Summary:

If you, a family member or a client is involved in a car wreck its not a question.

A brief review of the criminal and civil statutes with a one page handout for both.

A brief discussion of acceptable and ethical advertising practices as compared to the unethical solicitations that have become commonplace in our profession.  The damages available to a Plaintiff as well as the criminal consequences to anyone convicted of Barratry. 

A look at a small number of active Barratry cases complete with documents from the public record complete with transcripts of audio recordings of solicitors offering legal advice and legal representation to unsuspecting car accident victims.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

1.00 hr. CLE (TBLS pending)

$20.00 FWPA members/$22.00 non-FWPA members

Sponsored by:

Reservation deadline Tuesday Prior:

January 21st by 5:00 P.M.

 For questions, contact Susan Davis - 1st VP (Programs)

*PAYMENTS ARE ONLINE OR BY CHECK.  ALL registrations for RSVPs must be made online.

  Online payments are online through the website or by check. Checks must be mailed 1 week prior to the lunch.  Payment not received prior to the lunch will require payment to be made at the door.

Refunds/credit cannot be given for non-attendance.

See below for reservation and payment policies. 

GMM / CLEs RSVP and Payment Policies

 RESERVATIONS ARE ONLINE ONLY   Due to our advance food count requirement, all RSVPS need to be made on the TUESDAY prior by 5:00 p.m.  (E-mail requests to RSVP will not be valid.)

PAYMENTS ARE ONLINE OR BY CHECK   GMM payments are online through the website or by check. (Instructions for mailing checks are given when you register online.) Payment not received prior to the lunch will require exact payment amount to be made at the door.  (Eff. Jan. 1, 2022.)

ANY at-door registrations and payments are discouraged.

(GMMs $22 members/$24 non-members) 

There is a $25 charge for returned checks.

Refunds / credits cannot be given for non-attendance.

Job Bank

FWPA has a Placement Chair to assist you! 

Submit your PDF resume to the FWPA Placement Chair

Have a job opening? Click here to go to the "Job Bank" page

and submit your form!


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TVAS Volunteer opportunities -

go to the TVAS page - here!

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