Fort Worth Paralegal Association




We provide many membership benefits and services. Some of these are highlighted below.

PATRON MEMBERSHIP – In addition to the general membership benefits listed below, FWPA hosts an annual Patron Parade at its April monthly membership meeting where Patron members are eligible to participate and promote their business and services. Patron members also have an opportunity to sponsor a monthly general membership meeting where they may display their company’s advertising brochure/literature and speak directly to the membership about their company’s business or service. Patron members also have access to the password-protected, on-line membership directory. Patron members have complete access to all of the information on the FWPA website, and there is a Patron link button where all of our Patron Members are listed.

JOB BANK – FREE and AVAILABLE ONLY to members – listings from local firms, employers and companies.

COWTOWN PARALEGAL REPORTER – FREE to members – bi-monthly FWPA newsletter.

 BROWN BAG SEMINARS -- $10.00 to members. $15.00 for non-members. Lunchtime seminars offering CLE; bring your own brown bag lunch.

 CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION – offered once a month at most FWPA general membership ("GMM") luncheons held on the 4th Thursday of the month. Additional seminars throughout the year covering substantive legal topics to provide ongoing CLE opportunities. Specialty Section Meetings for Family Law, Probate/Real Estate, Litigation and Technology. Quarterly meetings held offering advanced CLE topics in these specialty areas. CP REVIEW – 2 day CP Review Seminar offered in the spring and an eight week Study Group/Course available in the fall in preparation for taking the CP exam.

COMPENSATION SURVEY – informative bi-annual census providing members with compilation of data regarding salary, benefits, education, and current trends in the paralegal field.

COMMUNITY SERVICE – offers all members the opportunity to perform worthy, volunteer projects for the Fort Worth community.

 SOCIAL EVENTS – various events, including the annual Holiday luncheon with fabulous door prizes.

 STUDENT LIAISON/SCHOLARSHIPS – four $250.00 scholarships available; awarded annually to deserving students who achieve the outlined standards.

WEBSITE – provides new membership online enrollment and renewal applications, current event and CLE calendars, registration notices, seminar postings, job listings and job placement, patron listings, complete overview of the organization.

STATE BAR PARALEGAL DIVISION – regular updates provided by our Board member liaison.

 TEXAS ALLIANCE OF PARALEGAL ASSOCIATIONS (TAPA) – FWPA Board representatives attend state-wide paralegal association bi-annual meeting and report on behalf of FWPA.

NETWORKING – always encouraged.

Contact Membership Chair for more information.

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