Fort Worth Paralegal Association


The FWPA's April GMM is dedicated to those who support us year-round, our vendors.  Contact us about joining as a Patron Member or to sign up as a Patron Parade sponsor!

Contact:  Public Relations Chair

Thank you to our Patron and Law Firm members!

(Show your support and use links below.)




Thank you for attending and supporting the FWPA Patron Parade!  These dedicated patrons and law firm members are there to assist us.  Be sure to how your support when you have a need arise!  Did you know?  FWPA has a Patrons Directory and Law Firm Members Directory on the website for your quick reference!

April GMM 2024

Registered Patrons/Law Firm Members



Featured Patron Member

Contact Public Relations Chair at

to become a FWPA patron or sponsor for event!

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