Fort Worth Paralegal Association

FWPA Membership and Criteria

Welcome to FWPA's online membership application system!  We have been serving paralegals and paralegal students since 1982 by providing Continuing Legal Education and professional and community service programs throughout the year.  Whether you are new to FWPA or are renewing your existing membership, we invite you to select the option below and complete your application today!

FWPA provides great benefits including, but not limited to, 22 one-hour CLEs approved by TBLS, NALA and the Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas.  CLE is accomplished by attending General Membership Meeting Luncheons (various fields of law) and Specialty Section brown bags in the fields of Family Law, Litigation, Probate/Real Estate, and Technology.   FWPA also provides an online Job Bank, Membership Directory, a bi-monthly online newsletter (the  "Cowtown Paralegal Reporter"), discounted GMMs, and student scholarships.  Other events are held throughout the year, including a Patron Parade in April honoring our Vendors and a Holiday Luncheon in December.  The networking opportunities are limitless.  Do not miss out on these and so many other great benefits.  We are certain you will find something you like by being a member.

Membership Terms

Persons who join FWPA in October, November or December will pay the full membership fees, but their membership will be effective for the remainder of the current year through December 31 of the following year.



New Member






 Associate  $65.00*  $35.50*  $55.00
 Emeritus  $35.00 $17.50
 Freelance  $70.00*  $40.00*  $60.00
 Law Firm
 $115.00*  $67.50*  $115.00
 Patron  $115.00*  $67.50*  $115.00
 Student  $35.00  $17.50  $35.00
 Sustaining  $65.00*  $37.50*  $55.00
 Voting  $70.00*  $40.00*


*Includes $10.00 application fee.

ϯRenewals open November and must be paid by December 1st to avoid late fee.

Membership Criteria

We offer eight (8) types membership as outlined below.


(Disclosure-the following explanation is only a summary of requirements for membership.  All membership applications will be processed pursuant to Bylaws of Fort Worth Paralegal Association only.)

Type Description
Voting Those PARALEGALS or LEGAL ASSISTANTS who are qualified through education, training, or work experience, employed by a lawyer, government, or other entity, whose substantive legal work, requiring sufficient knowledge of legal concepts, is performed under attorney supervision AND WHO:

1.are currently employed as a full time Paralegal,

2.present valid proof of completion of paralegal education.


3.have been employed full time for a minimum of 12 months.

Patron A Patron member is a person or business entity interested in the Association's purpose.  A Patron member in good standing will be entitled to certain preferred sponsorship and advertising privileges.
Sustaining Those PARALEGALS or LEGAL ASSISTANTS who are qualified through education, training, or work experience, employed by a lawyer, government, or other entity, whose substantive legal work, requiring sufficient knowledge of legal concepts, is performed under attorney supervision AND WHO: 

1. is not currently employed as a paralegal.


1. Any person interested in the work of the association, whether or not the person is a paralegal or legal assistant.  


2. Any person employed as a paralegal or legal assistant who has not yet met the requirements of those PARALEGALS or LEGAL ASSISTANTS who are qualified through education, training, or work experience, employed by a lawyer, government, or other entity, whose substantive legal work, requiring sufficient knowledge of legal concepts, is performed under attorney supervision.


3. Any person working as a temporary or freelance paralegal or legal assistant, either as an independent contractor or through a contracting paralegal company, who works an average of less than 35 hours per week.


Those PARALEGALS or LEGAL ASSISTANTS who are qualified through education, training, or work experience, employed by a lawyer, government, or other entity, whose substantive legal work, requiring sufficient knowledge of legal concepts, is performed under attorney supervision AND WHO:

1. are currently employed as a full time Paralegal,

2. present valid proof of completion of paralegal education.


3. have been employed full time for a minimum of 12 months, AND who work either as an independent contractor or through a company contracting paralegal services to the legal community and who works an average of 35 hours or more.

Student Those persons who are currently enrolled in a paralegal training program.  
Emeritus Those PARALEGALS or LEGAL ASSISTANTS who have been a Voting Member for a minimum of three (3) consecutive years, and is now retired from the paralegal profession.  An Emeritus Member in good standing may fully participate in the affairs of the Association, but shall not have the right to vote, hold office or serve as a Director or Chair of a Committee.
 Law Firm

Law Firms – A Law Firm member is determined as a business engaged in the practice of law.  A Law Firm member in good standing will be entitled to certain preferred speaking and advertising privileges.

(ONLY members in Voting and Freelance categories are allowed to vote and hold offices.)

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