Fort Worth Paralegal Association

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FWPA November GMM - Register Online

  • 11/16/2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Joe T. Garcia's LaPuertita


  • FWPA members and their guests; each FWPA member must register separately under his/her log-in.
  • This is the GMM Sponsorship Fee for the featured Patron of the GMM without lunch. To include a lunch, add a "guest registration" for each representative.



FWPA November GMM


Jonathan Wharton

Grabbing Assets: Taking Back Stolen Property

1.0 hr. CLE (pending)

Sponsored by

November 16, 2023 - 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

$18.00 FWPA members/$20.00 non-FWPA members

Reservation deadline Tuesday Prior: November 14, 2023

by 5:00 P.M.

 For questions, contact Michele Rayburn, PLS, CP, TBLS-BCP - 1st VP (Programs)

*PAYMENTS ARE ONLINE OR BY CHECK.  ALL registrations for RSVPs must be made online.  Online payments are online through the website or by check. Checks must be mailed 1 week prior to the lunch.  Payment not received prior to the lunch will require payment to be made at the door. 

Due to food count requirement on TUESDAY, ANY at-door registrations and payments are discouraged. ($20 members/$22 non-members)

Checks and exact change accepted only at the door. There is a $25 charge for returned checks.  Refunds cannot be given for non-attendance.

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